OK. Let's start!!!!
SoFly Photo-a-day.
Every day i will post one photo of my life. Isn't that exiting?
Then years later i can look back and see how silly it was :)
So.........This is SoFly groups competition
Dear Friends, i need your help!!!!!
I can win gift card from H&M!!!!!!
If i get most comments on posts in this competition
You know what you have to do?....COMENT, COMENT and COMENT
I think i deserve some shopping spree. Don't you?
I promise to post only important things, not photos of my broken toe nail or neighbors car crashed in the wall or lizard smashed on walkway.
And stories will be shorter then todays.
Todays photo is Living and working Green.
As some of you already know i'm recycle freak, i use recycled paper for my paperwork, share files online instead of CD's (when ever customer agrees with it), use energy saving bulbs, i do not buy water in the plastic bottles and have my reusable bags when i do grocery shopping,i recycle ink cartridges etc etc. Ha...what else - I try to support local farmers. Need help in this from Florida locals :)
Now i have tomato plants, sweet pepper, parsley, dill, basil on my balcony.
Actually were i'm going with this is
- finally i'm announcing myself as a green photographer!

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