Tuesday, December 23, 2008

boudoir session...

saturday's boudoir session

Es palūgšu baltajam enģelim,
Kurš man tik pazīstams šķiet-
Lai aiziet pie Tevis un palūko,
Kā Tev šais Ziemsvētkos iet?
Lai uzliek roku uz pleca,
Un nekad vairs nenoņem nost.
Lai liktens asie zobi,
Jaunas brūces nespēj vairs kost.
Es palūgšu baltajam eņģelim,
Kurš man tik pazīstams šķiet.
Lai pēc tumsas,atnāk gaisma,
Un projām vairs neaiziet!

I'm not poet but i will try to translate this so touchy poem in all the emotions what it brings

I will ask white angel
to visit you on Christmas
and never leave
I will ask white angel to put his hand on your shoulder
and never take away
And all the troubles and worries will never reach you
I will ask my friend angel to visit you
and after this darkness light is coming
and it will never ever leave.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

who stole my winter wonderland ???

remember old days when every day closer to Christmas was a step closer to that present what you sneaky discovered in moms closet?
But not the crazy rush thru stores and shopping moles to BUY, buy, buy presents...then cook, clean, eat and tired and exhausted try to smile when you are getting something what you really even do not need, but....he is just a man :) and he tried soooo hard (next year i will give better clues) and the same time thinking about house cleaning tomorrow.

remember those great old days when snow was fun??? snowball fights. snowmens. coming home with read nose and all wet. Now word snow means traffic.

I want to now who stole my winter wonderland!

and since my winter wonderland is stolen this year i'm going to Florida to survive winter.
You will see a lot of reports made underneath of palmtree or from beach or from french cafe.....what ever you prefer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Found this interesting artist. great for my winter night by fireplace reading time

Friday, December 5, 2008

Comments For Cans!!! Christmas Charity!!!

Comments For Cans!!! [Charity]

I have been inspired by one of the photographers from the Flicker forum.

A few fellow photographers have been donating a can of food for every comment received on their blog. So why don't you do some good this season, for every comment made on our blog starting today, we will donate one can good to a local mission.

Its free of charge to you, so help make someones holidays better !

Make a comment! And i will donate :)

Wanna help even more? Check out some of the others who are doing this.
Kristel Wyman
Chris + Lynn
Lori Miles
The Bebbs
Blue Olive
CJ Scott
Erin Gilmore
Amber Hughes
Jamie Delaine
Tracy Heppner
Michael Wachniak
John Heil

Thank you for all your comments!

Any other photographers who want to join in, let me know, post something similar on your blog and we will swap links.

Wedding photographers Christmas

Finally Christmas is Coming to Wedding Photographers house to.
Today i will bring home Christmas tree, decorate my house
will post pictures after finishing up everything.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Photo Session with Anette

portfolio session with anete.
Last Sunday we did great photo session for new upcoming model Anette.
More images coming in day or two.
Some tips how to build model book for upcoming models.

A portfolio is a collection of a model's best model. portfolio is an essential part of your modeling career and it is very important that you keep updating your portfolio regularly There is a few tips to help you build a model book.

The model portfolio has to [present you and-

1. Give the client a chance to see just how you look in a variety of situations.

2. Shows the client that you have experience as model.

3. It demonstrates your ability and shows that you are photogenic.

A model portfolio (also called your "model book") should have 12 to 16 photos placed in sheet protectors so your images will be easier for a client to see and use. Only your best photos in your should be used for your portfolio.

A proper model portfolio case is absolutely essential

Always put your best 3 pictures in the front of your model portfolio and be sure to place them on the right side of the portfolio as you have it opened. Leave the left side free

Be sure to leave a strong finish to the conclusion of your model book. Do this by placing one of your best images on the last right hand page, and leaving the left side with no photos to distract.

Always try to use fashion model tearsheets form published work in your model book. It will give you a professional edge in the model market.

Make sure all your pictures are in perfect condition.

Use a real model portfolio case to hold your pictures and not a standard photo album.
You can get portfolio cases at professional photographers stores. I know Calumet carries great portfolio books.

You will want to include fashion magazine tearsheets in your model portfolio if you have them to give you a professional edge!

In your model portfolio there are certain model photographs you have to have in order to build a successful model look. These shots include: modeling headshots, full length photos, a photograph of the model smiling in the photograph, plus one or two action shots, several different photos with various hair styles, and a really outstanding body shot. These are just the basic types of photos you need to have in your model portfolio to make it a success.

All your shots have to be powerful.

You can't build a successful model portfolio overnight either. It takes months to create a powerful fashion model portfolio.

Good luck for all of you!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I want to be the biggest looser

today is a big day.....the big project called "FIT photographers" started.
Inspired by Carlos from SWPB, group of wedding photographers started this to lose weight and get fit.
if anybody is interested to see all participants - please go to http://fitphotographers.com
This should be marked PG 14 page:)
ok - mu start weight is 150 pounds. My goal is 125 by April.
Follow my blog to see how i'm doing.
will be posting updates every week.