Es palūgšu baltajam enģelim,
Kurš man tik pazīstams šķiet-
Lai aiziet pie Tevis un palūko,
Kā Tev šais Ziemsvētkos iet?
Lai uzliek roku uz pleca,
Un nekad vairs nenoņem nost.
Lai liktens asie zobi,
Jaunas brūces nespēj vairs kost.
Es palūgšu baltajam eņģelim,
Kurš man tik pazīstams šķiet.
Lai pēc tumsas,atnāk gaisma,
Un projām vairs neaiziet!
I'm not poet but i will try to translate this so touchy poem in all the emotions what it brings
I will ask white angel
to visit you on Christmas
and never leave
I will ask white angel to put his hand on your shoulder
and never take away
And all the troubles and worries will never reach you
I will ask my friend angel to visit you
and after this darkness light is coming
and it will never ever leave.
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