Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I'm so honored to be part of this great SoFly photographers group.
This monday...... two gorgeous models...great location....perfect clouds....

I will start with part one.

I call it "She"

Big "Thank you" for the help to Madame Butterfly Bridal for gown and Anna Flowers for Bouquet.


One of my friends on Facebook pointed out this excerpt - "real networking is about finding ways to make other people successful." from the book "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi.

Agree 100%.....and it reminds me my Chicago friends/photographers.
Thank you all! A special warm "thanks" to - John and Robin.
But I miss you all!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Music and Second Drink For Free :) Let's go!

Angry Moon Cigar Bar is located 2401 PGA,
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Next to Carmains.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

why poeple are running away from own country?

Republication from one of my friends, great journalists shows again why people a running away from Latvia

The strange death of liberal "Diena"

NOTE: Corrected the spelling of the British family to ROWLAND in a few places.

October 10 turned into a day of written and video/audio soundbites amounting to obituaries for Latvia's (once?) leading daily "liberal" newspaper Diena (The Day). It was no wonder, as the chief editor of the Diena media group, Nellija Ločmele, the editor-in-chief of Diena, Anita Brauna, the editor of the editorial and op-ed page, Pauls Raudseps and several senior reporters announced their resignations after it was disclosed that Diena (along with Dienas bizness, a business daily) had been sold to the British Rowland family.
The Rowlands are said to have financed the transaction when the Swedish Bonnier publishing group and agreed to convert their loan into shares in a mutual fund that became the owner of both Latvian media companies. However, there are contradictory reports as to whether this was the actual sequence of events.
The departing editors said they could not work together with the new managing director of the Diena publishing group, a former executive at the company who returned to engineer and execute the transfer of Diena and Dienas bizness from the Bonnier group to the new owners.
Founded as a government-owned but independent newspaper in 1990, while Latvia was still a Soviet republic, Diena was "liberal" in the classic sense of standing for individual rights, freedom, Western-style democracy and values.
In July, it was announced that the Swedish Bonnier publishing group, the owner of Diena and the business daily Dienas bizness (this blogger worked for Dienas bizness for 11 years) since the early 1990s, was selling both newspapers to a Luxembourg-based company owned by Aleksandrs Tralmaks, a former executive with Diena (some years earlier) and Kalle Norberg, an Estonian financier. The transaction was financed (temporarily) by undisclosed lenders as part of a scheme to set up a Luxembourg based media mutual fund.
The transaction, with so many unknowns, set off a frenzy of speculation, much of it verging on paranoid fantasies that Latvian oligarchs, Russian intelligence services and other evil powers bent on destroying Diena or using it to brainwash the population were actually behind the deal.
To be sure, the transaction was hasty, largely because the Bonnier group was eager to get rid of their Latvian assets as quickly as possibly, while keeping their business newspapers in Estonia and Lithuania. It was going to take Tralmaks and Norberg a few months to set up their mutual fund, longer than the Swedes were ready to wait. In a move that would later be one of several reasons for things unravelling as they have, Tralmaks and Norberg raised funds for the purchase from undisclosed lenders. Tralmaks said the real owners of Diena and Dienas bizness would be disclosed on October 1, but later delayed the announcement until October 9.
By then, three months of secrecy, contradictory hints (at one point, the transaction was said to be financed by some of the founders of Skype)and internal recriminations and arguments about future business strategy had taken their toll. There was, in all likelihood, an irreparable rift between the top editors and Tralmaks by mid-September, when rumors of Ločmele's and Brauna's resignations first appeared.
Tralmaks had proposed drastic cuts in production expenses for Diena of around 55 %, which would have led to considerable staff reductions and salary cuts. Diena's editors proposed a less painful solution (according to a blog Cita Diena/A Different Diena set up to communicate about the breakdown of the newspaper as run by them) and at one point even proposed a management buy-out of sorts. Ločmele jas told Latvian media she had found potential investors to buy back Diena from Tralmaks and Norberg, but was rebuffed. That move also sealed her fate -- it was seen as disloyal to the owners of the moment.
The situation at present is that everyone seems to be standing at a smashed trough (pie sasistas siles) to use a Latvian expression (sort of meaning that the instrument by which all of the barnyard creatures could have been fed has been foolishly destroyed). Tralmaks (now merely the CEO of the Diena group, with no ownership stake) has seen his brand value walk out the door -- indeed, he had some of the top editors escorted away by lawyers and security guards who first searched boxes and briefcases of "the departed" to see that no confidential company documents were taken.
"The Departed" have strongly hinted that they will start a new media outlet, most likely an internet portal and some kind of print publication, but with the Latvian economy collapsing, this is a daunting task, no less than the challenge of keeping the "old" Diena afloat, with Tralmaks speaking of drastic drops in advertising spending already at the time the deal was announced in July.
Finally, Jonathan Rowland, the Rowland family member apparently most involved with the investment in Latvia, has seen his admittedly risky investment turn -- very risky. Rowland appears to have been a bit of a high-roller in the past, so three years from now, he'll probably be at his club and hear something like "Good on you with that Shanghai deal, pity about that...where was it... Latvia or someplace? Odd isn't it, it was some Latvian lads who put the new roof on my country place. Great job. You know, Colin got burned for about as much on that Swedish game console some, lose some."

10 Oktobris, 2009

“Murgosfēra” un darījums ar Dienu (offtopiks)

Autors: Juris Kaža @ 18:07 Kategorijas: Pētījumi un viedokļi, Izklaide un melnais humors

(Ieliku apakšvirsrakstus, lai viss būtu vieglāk lasāms –J.K. 11. oktobrī)
8.oktobrī piedalījos diskusijā Stradiņa universitātē par medijiem, to nākotni un, protams, arī jaunajiem medijiem kā blogiem, sociāliem tīkliem, tviteriem u.tml. Diskusijas gaitā man pašpruka, iespējams, jauns izteiciens, proti, ka tieši Latvijā blakus blogsfērai un ķibetelpai (cyberspace) arī ir murgosfēra – dažādu konspirāciju teoriju, aizdomu un izkliedētu bet sīkstu tumsonības metastāžu ģenerēta migla nācijas kolektīvajā apziņā.
Avīze Diena daudzus gadus ir bijusi sava veida mirdzoša galotne virs murgosfēras slāņa, kas – gan pakāpeniski un lēnam retinoties – ir klājis Latviju pēdējos teju 20 gadus. Murgosfēra, protams, tika ģenerēta ilgos padomju noslēgtības un cilvēku apziņas apstrādes gadu desmitos, atstājot sabiedrību ar daudziem homo postsovieticus, kas nebija sagatavoti saprast viņiem pēkšņi atvērto 20. gadsimta beigu un 21. gadsimta sākuma mulsinoši krāšņo, izaicinošo, nesaprotamo, pretrunīgo, bezgala sarežģītu un daudziem viņu agrākajiem priekšstatiem pat pretīgo globālo sabiedrību. Bet ne par to ir runa.
Runa ir par virkni kļūdu, pārpratumu, komunikācijas avāriju un, visticamāk, arī par iekšējiem procesiem, kas tikai tuvākajā laikā tiks atklāti, kuru gala rezultāts ir avīzes Diena šķietamais ne gluži noriets, bet ievērojams tās saulītes spīduma satumsums. Un te, manuprāt, savu lomu ir spēlējusi šīs jau no vasaras izstieptās drāmas radītā murgosfēra lite.

Neizskaidroja “nesaprotamo”
Pirmais klupiens bija daudzu nesaprašana, ka reāli biznesa darījumi bieži ir “nesaprotami” kaut vai tādēļ, ka juridisko personu pirkšanas un pārdošanas darījumi veicot savu biznesa misiju, tāpat arī pašu šo juridisko personu pārpirkšanas darījumi nav tas pats, kā Rimi veikalā ar pāris latu noskaitīšanu pie kases padarīt lielveikala īpašumā esošo pienu un kartupeļus par pircēja īpašumu. Nevienam neienāk prātā piena paku norakstīt brālēnam Īrija pret pilnvaru to izdzert Latvijā, bet kartupeļus ieķīlāt igauņu līzinga kompānijai.
Taču bieži vien privātajos korporatīvos darījumos šādas lietas notiek, un ne jau ar kartupeļiem. Negribu sameloties par situāciju šodien, bet ilgus gadus lielākā investorvalsts Latvijā bija Dānija, jo caur Dānija reģistrētu holdingkompāniju Tilts Communications tika investēti visu dažādo ārvalstu investoru– britu un zviedru, pēc tam zviedru-somu TeliaSonera – simtiem miljonu LVL līdzekļi Lattelecom attīstībai. Izpētot smalko druku var arī konstatēt, ka daudzām pasaules aviosabiedrībām nepieder neviena lidmašīna, tās viņas tikai nomā no mazpazīstamiem globāliem līzinga koncerniem. Arī vairākiem slaveniem viesnīcu zīmoliem pieder tikai dažas vai pat neviena ēka, uz kuras rakstīts prestižais vārds, jo šīs kompānijas ir tikai operatori, kas atbild par visu, kas notiek pavisam citam īpašniekam piederošajās četrās lepnās ēkas sienās.
Sākumā man likās, ka Dienas un Dienas biznesa pārdošana bija no šīs, ikdienā mazpazīstamās un tādēļ viegli murgosfērā ievelkamās darījumu kategorijas. Proti, darījuma starpnieki un virzītāji Aleksandrs Tralmaks un Kalle Norbergs saprata, ka zviedru puse steidzās tikt vaļā no abiem medijiem, tādēļ bija steidzami jāaizņemas nauda, lai “objektu” pārņemtu no zviedriem un to noturētu līdz nākamam Tralmaka un Norberga plāna solim – atvērta investīciju fonda dibināšana, kam turpmāk piederētu Diena un Dienas bizness. Savas domas par to jau uzrakstīju jūlijā.

Noslēpumainība bija uzticības kaprace
Kopš vasaras darījuma mazredzamā daļā notika lietas, kas, visticamāk, padziļināja neuzticības grāvi starp Dienas redakcionālo vadību un pircēju pārstāvjiem. Nav skaidrs, vai a/s Diena korporatīvā vadība un daži redaktori zināja, bet nedrīkstēja stāstīt kas ir pircēji, vai varbūt īsti neko nezināja. Katrā ziņā avīzē, kas sevi turēja par caurspīdīguma un godīguma etalonu, sākās un pastiprinājās cepšanās par neskaidrību un noslēpumainību.
Vienlaikus jāsaprot, ka Diena un Dienas bizness netika izprecinātas un bildinātas kā pievilcīgākās meitenes mediju tēvu Bonjeru (Bonnier) ģimenē. Abi mediji nesa zaudējumus un bija nopietni jādomā par to biznesa modeļu maiņu. Kaut vai tādēļ, ka visā pasaulē mainās mediju darbības modeļi – drukātos medijus gan papildina, gan kanibalizē šo informācijas platformu pāreja uz internetu. Veiksmīgs piemērs – zviedru Dagens Nyheter godalgotais un populārais
No otras puses, ir bezmaksas projekti, kurus sāk apšaubīt un pārformēt. Nesen paziņots, ka daļu bezmaksas saturu piedāvās tikai žurnāla vai portāla abonentiem. Arī citi runā par zināma satura pārdošanu par mikromaksājumiem, bet vēl citi apgalvo, ka maksāt desmit centus par 600 vārdus garu rakstu vai piecu minūšu video ir smieklīgi.
Par šādām lietām arī noteikti bija pārrunas un strīdi un viena vai otra modeļa aizstāvji jutās izaicināti vai apdraudēti. Zinu, ka Dienā jau pirms pārdošanas procesa sākšanās bija domstarpības un personāla maiņas sakarā ar avīzes elektroniskās “ sejas” turpmāko attīstību.
Visu šo diskusiju (vai ne-diskusiju) un procesu notikšana vienlaicīgi, visticamāk, radīja stresu visām iesaistitajām pusēm. Lietas arī paildzināja – ja var ticēt neoficiālai informācijai – K. Norberga iekļūšana (auto?) avārijā, kas viņu uz ilgāku laiku izsita no spēles. Par to, ko kopš vasaras Dienas iekšienē darījis A. Tralmaks nezinu, bet acīmredzot viņš tur atgriezās kā pretrunīgs “ savējais” ar priekšvēsturi no strādāšanas Dienā.

Arī “pēdējam cietoksnim” būtu bijis jāmainās
Dienas aizejošā redakcijas vadība, iespējams, arī dzīvoja nelielā murgosfērā lite, sevi lielā mērā pamatoti, bet, iespējams, uz citu faktoru fona tomēr pārspīlēti turot par zināmu žurnālistikas standartu pēdējo cietoksni. Protams, ka jebkuram medijam ticamība un integritāte ir ļoti svarīgi tā ilgtspējas elementi. Pat Vakara Tenku lasītāji būs vīlušies, ja izrādīsies pilnīga nepatiesība, ka florbolistam un krodziņu lauvam Benam Bambālim bijis romāns ar dejotāju Barbaru Pupenieci. Tomēr visi mediji, kurus nesponsorē kāda labdarības organizācija, konfesija vai valsts ir biznesi, kam saprātīgā veidā jāpielāgojas tirgus pieprasījumam.
Viena no Dienas problēmām, iespējams, bija samierināties savā prātā ar to, ka būs jānokāpj nedaudz no kalna, kurā dievi akmens plāksnēs gravē žurnālistikas baušļus, vienlaikus nepiebiedrojoties plebejisko mediju dejām ap zelta teļu. Tas nenozīmē ka medijos pārstāstītais it kā A. Tralmaka biznesa modelis samazināt Dienu (resp. Dienas izmaksas) uz pusi bija reāls un pieņemams risinājums. Un it kā viņa teiktais, ka kvalitatīva žurnālistika nav ilgtspējīgs bizness arī būtu kvalificējams – nav ilgtspējīgs masu tirgum. Cits jautājums par elitāru, mazu izmaksu un mazas drukātas tirāžas un ierobežotas interneta auditorijas informācijas un viedokļu platformu (kuru 20. gadsimtā sauca par avīzi). Iespējams, ka kaut kas tāds radīsies, teiksim, Rīgas Laiks with News stilā veidotā Citā Dienā.

Nav jau noticis trakākais (?)
Bet kādas tad ir Dienas īpašnieku epopejas beigas? Tāds kā nothing special, ja atfiltrē visas ar nedaudz melnā humora piegaršu epizodes (Skype dibinātāji, WTF?, Aleksandr!) un ASV lielo korporatīvo atlaišanu imitācijas– ar atlaisto/atlūgušo tūlītēju eskortēšanu no darba vietas apsardzes pavadībā un citām drāmām. Nu izrādās, ka avīzes, visticamāk, pieder fondam kur riska kapitālists un avantūristiskais investors Džonatans Rouland (Jonathan Rowland) iegrūdis sākumā aizdoto (Kalles un Sašas izgaunerēto) naudu. No skapja nav izkritis ne Lembergs, ne Šķēle, ne krievu naudas/laimes lācis. Murgus, ka Roulandus, kam ir sava 700 miljonu mārciņu ģimenes bagātība, salīdzis kāds tumšais spēks varam arī mest pie malas. Tādos prātuļojumos sāk izpausties murgosfēras pieņēmums, ka Latvija un avīze, kuras tirāža nepārsniedz kādas ASV lauku pilsētas avīzes tirāžu, būtu vērts visādos bizantīniskos darījumos iepīt šos angļu bagātniekus.
Tāpat Delfi komentāru gudrinieku prātojumus – kādēļ pērk zaudējumus nesošus uzņēmumus, gan jau kas… arī varam norakstīt kā daļu no murgosfēras. Ja mazliet paskatās kas rakstīts par Dž. Roulanda kā finansista darbības mērķiem – tie ir pirkt lielās grūtībās nonākušus uzņēmumus, tos sakārtot un tādējādi nopelnīt vēl lielāku bagātību. Galu galā, nopērkot a/s Skrandumaiss par 1 LVL par akciju un pacelt tā vērtību (pārvēršot zaudējumus peļņā) uz 100 LVL par akciju ir daudz ienesīgāk, nekā (un šī ir izdomātā cena) pirkt superveiksmīgo Apple par 1000 un pārdot par 1025. Ar šādu investīciju un biznesa modeli – gan ar augstu risku – nodarbojas daudzviet pasaulē, kādēļ arī ne šeit?
Labā ziņa par Dienu, kas diemžēl izpalika un kuru nekad nedzirdēsim ir – avīzi nopirka bagāts brits, kuram interesē atpelnīt XX % uz savas investīcijas N gados. Viņš mūsu lietās nemaisīsies, bet, lai sasniegtu mērķi, ir jāstrādā krietni efektīvāk izmaksu ziņā un jāpaplašina mērķauditorija, taču bez ekscesiem. Kas un kā, lielā mērā mūsu rokās. Un tad viss vienkārši rullētu…ja šādas lietas nekārtotu murgosfērā.

SoFly Photo of the day-Good Morning Amerika and My Baby!

There is somebody who i miss very much.
My Baby:) She already is "big girl" and doing good in college, but i miss her anyway.
Anete, i'm drinking coffee from your cup every morning :)!

Missing my already grown up kids makes me think - how girls can leave baby's and go away for a couple month just to be together with a man...with the man what you even do not love. The man who is just a "girls hope for better life". And i would say it is not just one spreads like in flue.
Really we are gone so far that we do not care about morals and love and kids? Just a money?

Friday, October 9, 2009

SoFly - photo of the day- green again

Tips for Greener Photography: Shipping


By Jessica Riehl

Most of us underestimate the impact of shipping our products and supplies. Did you know that components of photographic products are often shipped multiple times before they are assembled? Did you know that air shipping is the most carbon-intensive form of shipping? From Yvon Chouinard’s book “Let My People go Surfing,” here are a few statistics on generic energy costs to ship per ton:

Rail or boat: 400 BTUs per ton mile
Truck: 3,300 BTUs per ton mile
Air Cargo: 21,760 BTUs per ton mile
Air Cargo uses 6.5 times more fuel than shipping by ground.

We should not only ask questions about where things come from, but how they are shipped as well. As Elisabeth Rosenthal reported for The New York Times, “Under longstanding trade agreements, fuel for international freight carried by sea and air is not taxed” (Elisabeth Rosenthal, "Putting Pollution on Grocery Bills," The New York Times). In other words, no one is paying the environmental cost of shipping.

What can you do to reduce the impact of shipping?

• Build the extra time into your workflow to use ground shipping and inform your clients of the ecological benefits.

• Recycle your print boxes and sheets of cardboard used to protect your photographs. Cardboard sheets can be donated to art classes. Most local shipping stores will take your old packing peanuts and reuse them.

• Consolidate your orders. By ordering once a week or every two weeks you will reduce the number of boxes you receive and the number of trips a shipping carrier will make to your door.

• Reuse your packing materials such as peanuts and air bags. You can also shred old papers for a colorful alternative to buying peanuts.

• Utilize the home or studio pickup service provided by many shipping carriers. One less trip to the post office will save fuel.

• Support companies that are changing the way they do business. For example, use United States Postal Service priority mail boxes instead of other services. According to the USPS website, they are the only company which holds a Cradle to Cradle certification for their packaging. Cradle to cradle ensures all products of the manufacturing process are recycled, reused, composted or consumed. USPS also owns the largest fleet of alternative fuel vehicles in the country, and they already stop by your home or business every day.

• Use water-activated recycled gum tape instead of other types of adhesive. For more information go to Provincial Papers.

• Using the right sized box to ship in will reduce the amount of money you pay for shipping and the amount of packaging needed for your product.

• Let your clients know about the actions you take to reduce your shipping impact. Make a stamp or sticker to put on your boxes, letting your client know up front you reduce your impact on the environment by using ground shipping and recycling your packaging materials.

This is repost from Professional Photographers magazine

Thursday, October 8, 2009

soFly Photo of the day - Just ashtray

Did you know that ashtrays could me piece of art?
This one is.
actually all Ritzenhoffs ashtrays are, but this one particular is by German artist Thomas Marutschke.

I'm slowly entering exiting cigar accessory world.

SoFly Photo of the day

yes, i know with my schedule it is hard to follow this contests rules, but even i skipped 1 day again....i will still do posts every day. of the day today...sneak peak of night shoot

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

SoFly Photo of the day - Sunny Lunch time

I was visiting my country for 2 weeks in september..during that time a lot of good and bad things happened.

Good ones-
  • i met my friends and had liquid cakes every day
  • i photographed my friends wedding
  • i found new friends
  • i found peace with the friend who stole my husband
  • i found peace with my new status
Bad things......
  • food was so great that my new jeans does not fit anymore
  • now i miss Latvian food again

GUESS (not the brand :)) what i'm doing again?
Right :) i'm on diet :)
nothing new ...will report results at end not start numbers
This was my lunch. Tasty and healthy....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

SoFly Photo of the day 3 - cars cars cars

I went to old car show by my house ....and this is what i found..ssssoooooooooo cute

2 nd day photo of the day So Fly, John The Piano Man at Angry Moon Cigars

i know i skipped 1 day in this competition, but i worked all day and came home 3 am next day....please forgive me:) i will post today twice..Please

Thursday, October 1, 2009

SoFly Photo-a-day - Living Green

OK. Let's start!!!!

SoFly Photo-a-day.

Every day i will post one photo of my life. Isn't that exiting?
Then years later i can look back and see how silly it was :)

So.........This is SoFly groups competition

Dear Friends, i need your help!!!!!
I can win gift card from H&M!!!!!!
If i get most comments on posts in this competition
You know what you have to do?....COMENT, COMENT and COMENT
I think i deserve some shopping spree. Don't you?
I promise to post only important things, not photos of my broken toe nail or neighbors car crashed in the wall or lizard smashed on walkway.

And stories will be shorter then todays.

Todays photo is Living and working Green.

As some of you already know i'm recycle freak, i use recycled paper for my paperwork, share files online instead of CD's (when ever customer agrees with it), use energy saving bulbs, i do not buy water in the plastic bottles and have my reusable bags when i do grocery shopping,i recycle ink cartridges etc etc. Ha...what else - I try to support local farmers. Need help in this from Florida locals :)
Now i have tomato plants, sweet pepper, parsley, dill, basil on my balcony.

Actually were i'm going with this is
- finally i'm announcing myself as a green photographer!