once upon a time there was a girl ...she loved ballet, she loved to paint and draw and she had a dream to be ...............................
dream was always a heartbeat away ...but there was so many things and obstacles what kept her away to catch the dream and fulfill it....
she grove up and without noticing traded dreams for busy life and lived happily, ha ha ha - not ever after...it was just illusions about happiness
......until one day Mean Old Lady "kicked" her out from "glamorous busy corporate world's palace"
Girl was hurt and upset, but there wasn’t time to think of the past, pride and pain. A great challenge was before her. She realized that old lady made a good turn for her...girl became photographer. Now she is doing what she loves...she is capturing moments. Like a colorful butterflies in the field.
Thank You Old Mean Lady and all your Entourage!
I love my job and life!
I love my job and life!
Doing what you were born to do is worth every moment of struggle. The payoff is DOING WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO. Its enough isn't it?
you are sooooooo wright. that why i'm thankful to people who kicked me out of job.
sometimes we are not brave enough to follow our dreams. Money and security comfort held us away
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