so we're all here sitting here typing away our various thoughts and points of view on the matter....who to blame, how to fix.but how many of us are actually taking action to get the situation under control.....who, of us, is contacting those in control and and talking to them. who is providing aid to those in the gulf coast that are physically taking charge and cleaning up the crude, washing of the wild, and attempting to lessen the massive impact this is going to have on everything for years to come.
some of us are. most of us i believe aren't. but that's always the problem with opinion versus action....
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
2 month later we are still faighting with this?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Life can be danced..........Emptiness can be run.........
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
2nd Annual "Go Green Fashionista" Fashion show is over..time for new projects

Fashion show is over..time for new projects
its me again
I would like to thank everybody who supported me and understand these last 3 weeks. ..... busy, panicking, "no ideas how to finish", not enough time weeks.... etc etc. and i apologize for not timely responded emails some strange reactions (you know artist under stress is unpredictable :))):) and some other delays.
but i made it :)
My collection was audiences favorite. My girls were photographed most.
And there were people who came after the show to check - are my dresses really made out from newspaper.
I took 2 days off and went to Key West with my kids and now i'm back to the BIG world, but I'm taking break from scissors, glue gun, sawing machine and most important _ NEWS PAPERS :)
It does not mean i will become ignorant and not follow what is going on in this crazy world.
Still will- but my mine media will be TV and online :)))
Taking break from everything today by cleaning my house from small peaces of paper, treads, pins, old newspapers, getting vine and going by beach tonight and then back to things what i love more then paper dress - photography....
I have couple sessions booked this week and can not wait to get my hands on camera again.
Photography still is my real love :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
2nd Annual Go Green Fashionista : Fashion Show & Shoe Drive for “Barefoot 4 Haiti”

2nd Annual "Go Green Fashionista"
Fashion show to benefit Barefoot4Haiti program
Sole 4 Souls, a non-profit that collects shoes to distribute to people in need around the world, is hosting “Go Green” Awareness by holding the 2nd Annual “Go Green Fashionista” at MIA Lounge & Restaurant on June 18th, 2010 at 7pm.
Guests are asked to bring their gently worn and brand new shoes to be donated to the people of Haiti. Enjoy MIA's "Go Green" mojito's infused with Nitrogen as seen on VH1’s Basketball Wives. Half off special drinks from 7-8pm. Fashion showcase at 8pm.
$10 donation to Souls 4 Souls.
Complimentary admission for dinner guests.
Fashion show:
Presenting "Go Green" Awareness in MIA’s spectacular setting, the event will be honoring eco-friendly fashions and styles ranging from vintage clothing to original eco friendly accessories and wardrobe vamping.
FabVintage, Blooming by Inta, who specializes in creating Avant Garde pieces with newspaper, magazines and other recycled materials; and jewelry featuring RAX COLLECTION and Catalina Mora, who makes use with orange peels, tagua, and coffee beans amongst others to create her accessories while having an amazing aroma to it. With the help of these new era designers, Stylist’s Waina Chancy and Obe Santos will assist and showcase along with the designer’s on our mission to have others to be inspired in this new way of style and to provide others with another utilizing fashion idea, while lessening their expenses on less eco-friendly clothing. Guests will enjoy samples of the new Sheba Cloth Collection made from all natural jute fiber grown in Bangladesh, advantages of Jute has antioxidant and vitamin E from the root, which helps to moderate moisture and regain skin firmness. These cloths are 100% biodegradable and recyclable.
Drawing prize:
Snow’s Jewelers of Coral Gables: 90’’ Endless Strand Fresh Water Cultured Pearl and matching Sterling Silver Fresh Water Cultured Pearl Earrings retailed at $370 * $2 per ticket.
About Barefoot4Haiti:
Barefoot4Haiti is a program designed to encourage churches around the country to go Barefoot4Haiti and collect shoes to help Soles4Souls provide needed footwear to hurting Haitians. For countless Haitians, the shoes they put on their feet on the day of the earthquake are the only pair of shoes they have. This Spring, more than 150,000 churches will be asked to join in and get involved by taking off their shoes for one Sunday. As part of this powerful movement, congregants can bring their new or gently worn shoes to church or donate to Soles4Souls to help put shoes on the feet of the victims of the Haitian earthquake or on the 300 million children around the globe who are barefoot.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
2nd Annual Go Green Fashionista : Fashion Show & Shoe Drive for “Barefoot 4 Haiti”

Fab C. Productions, LLC along with Sole 4 Souls, Inc. is benefiting “Go Green” Awareness by holding the 2nd Annual “Go Green Fashionista” at MIA at Biscayne Ultra Lounge & Restaurant, 20 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33180 on June 18th, 2010 @ 7pm. Miami's newest diverse venue was designed to host fashion shows from a collapsible catwalk to a perfect stage setting, top professional lighting, and one-of-a-kind technology. Presenting "Go Green" Awareness in a spectacular setting, the event will be honoring eco-friendly fashions and styles ranging from vintage clothing to original eco friendly accessories and wardrobe vamping. “Go Green Fashionista” will be an evening of high fashion at its smartest. Fashion Show will include Angel’s Vintage Boutique, Blooming by Inta, who specializes in creating Avant Garde pieces with newspaper, magazines and other recycled materials; and Jewelry by Catalina Mora, who makes use with orange peels, tagua, and coffee beans amongst others to create her accessories while having an amazing aroma to it. With the help of these new era designers, our mission is to have others to be inspired in this new way of style and to provide others with another utilizing fashion idea, while lessening their expenses on less eco-friendly clothing.
Also a supporter of Soles 4 Souls, a charity organization that collects shoes from the closets of people like you; and donates them to people in need all over the world. We are inviting everyone to help support Sole 4 Souls: Barefoot For Haiti Program. Guests can bring gently worn and brand new shoes to provide footwear to the people of Haiti.
* Special raffle for guests that have donated to Barefoot 4 Haiti.
RAFFLE from Snow’s Jewelers of Coral Gables: 90’’ Endless Strand Fresh Water Cultured Pearl and matching Sterling Silver Fresh Water Cultured Pearl Earrings retailed at $370 * $2 per ticket
Enjoy MIA's signature style of drinking all night with "Go Green" Mojito's infused with Nitrogen as seen on Vh1’s Basketball Wives. Half off special drinks from 7-8pm. Doors open at 7pm. Fashion Showcase at 8pm. $10 entry. Complimentary admission to RSVP dinner guests.
With the support and contributions from local individuals, business, organizations and press, “Go Green Fashionista” is able to successfully showcase this forthcoming tradition of style. As you can imagine, it takes a great deal of resources to make this an extraordinary event. You're attendance will be the start in making the difference for our earth. For event information, media and press, please contact: or (786) 487-0049.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
i found something interesting

i found something interesting and want to share with you
It has an exceptional design as the fabric is fixed by two magnets which are connected with a stainless steel rope.
The wireless steel rope loops around the curtain rod and allows it to glide smoothly.
The magnetic plates can fix the fabric at any spot thus avoiding the cost of hemming the curtains.
This procuct can also be used as tie back.
Lots of different applications are available based on your personal decorating touch.
This Product is MADE IN ITALY and 100% Green as per FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification standards
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Saturday Night Art Walk Miami
Monday, April 5, 2010
She arrived large and beauty

These images are the result of collaboration
between various artists. Our combined efforts
and unique interpretations added greatly
to our enjoyment of the process. Our hope is
that it will also enhance your enjoyment
of the show.
and this is continuation from Chicago show
Art district Night walk
April 10, 2010 8 PM
Deco One gallery
3900 North Miami Ave
Miami, FL
Featuring live photoshoot with
Inta G photography
see you all there.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010

i'm donating my time and talent to
TODAY, MARCH 27, 2010 FROM 1PM - 10PM.
BREAKING NEWS- Clarence Clemons, "The Big Man" himself, from Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band will be stopping in on Saturday!
Please, let me know if you are aware of any other "celebritys" planning to join us.
Hope to see everybody this Saturday! Don't forget to bring the kids to enjoy the Fun Zone.
Band Line-Up is set:
1:30: Blues is Dead - Jam Band
2:30: Burnt Biscuit - Country
3:30: the NOVAS - Rock
4:30: Low Down 13 - Traditional Blues
5:30: Good Looks Kid - Teen Pop
6:30: School of Rock - Rockin' Kids
7:30: Big Vince & the Phat Cats - Soulful Rock & Blues
8:30: Alice Cooper review - Beyond Description
Join "Cancer Sucks, Kids ROCK" on Facebook for event updates!
Remember, kids 10 and under are FREE!
Food by EVO, Food Shack, Angelo's, Mr. Gyros, Pineapples, Cider Donuts & Cake Kingdom!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sneak peak to K&L engagement session
International Womens when i used receive a lot of tulips :)
The first IWD was observed on 28 February 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. Among other relevant historic events, it came to commemorate the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. The idea of having an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions.
In 1910 the first international women's conference was held in Copenhagen (in the labour-movement building located at Jagtvej 69, which until recently housed Ungdomshuset) by the Second International and an 'International Women's Day' was established, which was submitted by the important German Socialist Clara Zetkin, although no date was specified.[1] The following year, 1911, IWD was marked by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, on March 19.[2] However, soon thereafter, on March 25, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City killed over 140 garment workers. A lack of safety measures was blamed for the high death toll. Furthermore, on the eve of World War I, women across Europefeminism in the 1960s. held peace rallies on 8 March 1913. In the West, International Women's Day was commemorated during the 1910s and 1920s, but dwindled. It was revived by the rise of
Demonstrations marking International Women's Day in Russia proved to be the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Following the October Revolution, the Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Lenin to make it an official holiday in the Soviet Union, and it was established, but was a working day until 1965. On May 8, 1965 by the decree of the USSR Presidium of the Supreme Soviet International Women's Day was declared as a non working day in the USSR "in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and selflessness at the front and in the rear, and also marking the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples, and the struggle for peace. But still, women's day must be celebrated as are other holidays."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I'm accepting boudoir sessions

Now i am accepting boudoir sessions for March/April in South Florida - West Palm Beach.
I'm now accepting appointments for boudoir sessions in March and April. Please don't wait, call now to reserve your custom on-location portrait session.
Call me 561-339-9984 and schedule appointment!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Who you are?

today i found great inspiration in these words what one of my friends wrote.....
You don’t just take pictures…you don’t just sell albums…you’re not just a photographer! The challenge is finding the words that describe what you are!
You’re an artist. You’re at times a poet and a storyteller. You’re at times a journalist. You’re a technician and an inventor. You’re a therapist, a psychologist – even a mediator. You’re a magician – you capture memories and turn the intangible into reality!
Really thank you!
And i have my memories, my magic moments captured...sometimes just with simple phone camera, but now i know how valuable they are :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My first Show

THE Paper Dress
A lots of you know about MY fashion-passion :) and living green passion as well and no doubt - photography
The Paper dress show is result of project what we couple photographers did last together to show our passions and how different we are.
I had this great opportunity to work together with my friend and mentor John Lavere and genius make up artist Candice Sansone and photographers Anna Guziak-Prochnicka and Ela Miszczyszyn as well
All dresses what models wear are made from newspapers.
And i'm proud to anounce - 3 of them are made by me and 1 with my assistance.
Unfortunately Show opening is on Superbowl sunday, but those of you who value photography and art more then Superbowl are welcome to opening at Salvage One. Sunday Feb. 7, 12 to 5. 1840 W. Hubbard. Clothing optional.
Otherwise Salvage One is open for public Fri 11-6 | Sat 9-5 | Sun 12-5
For more info and directions