symbols and love...
we all have some secret symbols or signs for goood luck, love, money etc etc...not all of us are brave enough to admit it and they are kept in the dark closets, deep pockets, cardbord boxes or drowers. Un you take them out only when nobody can see it. today i will take one of them out...
For me apple allways was something special..-
Apple a Day to keep doctor away. my ex boss was doctor. Did not help, he shower up every day, but appple did not lose its magical meaning for me. May be Doctor was not real, not my apples magical abilities.
In my college times it was - sweet smell of home. My father always packed apples in "food bag" what i took with me to the dorm.
Then there is my grandma sitting in the kitchen and preparing apples for winter.It brings me back to feelings of security and endless happiness.
Starting my wedding photographers carrier i did one of my favorite ring shots "rings on an apple"...after these years it is still symbol and sign for me. It is still in my portfolio as my favorite Shoot.
Last MY "apple shoot" was done in Latvia..again carries a lot of meanings.
Apple from the fathers home, something what we as a kids always had in the pocket or backpack entering the big, scary world "school" .
In this shoot they had 2 apples. Symbolic? ...not like in the Eden's garden, were just Eve was the one who had The Apple..now they both have apples and they are equal. Nobody to blame if they will be forced out from Paradise.
And these apples were from brides fathers home....i picked them up shortly before she entered into big scary merid peoples world. Let's these apples keep all bad things and feelings away from you! The sun what they accumulated during the summer will always be with you the same as grovers thoughts and endless love.
My wish is- J and D, keep and cherish your symbols and love and please stay in your Eden's garden for ever!
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